Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Never Wait

I'm a long time reader of a website containing dozens of great articles on screenwriting by Terry Rosio and and Ted Elliot (Aladdin, Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy). These guys GET what makes a great story.

I recently came across an article on the site that knocked me on my ass. Somebody working in a craft as uncertain and fickle as film production constantly needs fuel tossed into the fire. For all the rejection, criticism, failure, and self-doubt, you sometimes need a message that gets you through the next leg of the race. This article was that to me. It's VERY long, but well worth the read, and applicable to all.

"Never Wait" by Terry Rossio

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Opportunity meets Readiness

I landed on Jenna (Pam Beasley) Fischer's mySpace blog today and found a great post with advice for those of us pursuing careers in the entertainment industry:

I have a great acting coach who says that success in Hollywood is based on one thing: Opportunity meets Readiness. You cannot always control the opportunities, but you can control the readiness. So, study your craft, take it seriously. Do every play, every showcase, every short film, every student film you can get. Swallow your pride. Be willing to work for nothing in things you think are stupid. Make work for yourself. Make your own luck. Don't complain. Hopefully, the work will find you if you are ready.
You can read the rest of her entry here.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Shots from the Mercury Shoot

Here's some behind-the-scenes shots taken by Kati, Lindsey, and Evan during yesterdays FIFTEEN HOUR shoot. (No, that's not a typo. Fifteen hours.) If you've seen Captain Blasto, you notice some pretty big similarity in Mark Tierno's character.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

League Concept Art

Here's another shot of concept art for the upcoming short:
This is a member of the league, responsible for protecting "the battery," which you'll see in later posts.